Sunday, September 21, 2008

A few pics of mom/dad's house

The front of their house- doesn't look too bad. Mom lost her car because the water was up to the console on the inside.

This boat is not supposed to be there.

These boats were thrown/floated onto the highway on the way onto the island

One of the spare bedrooms, you can see the water line on the bedspread

This is my old room. The chest was turned over, and you can see the water line again. The floors are covered with mud and dad said they are buckled in many areas as well.

This is a blurry pic of the kitchen, I included it so you could see the amount of mud on the floor

This is a peek of our street.

Dad and grandpa went back down to Galveston today to clean up. They took some of the fallen trees out of the yard and sprayed all of the walls with bleach to help prevent the mold from spreading even further. The insurance adjuster is supposed to come take a look at the house tomorrow morning. Mom and dad will be living in jennifer's apartment until their house is liveable. That's pretty much all the updates for now. We are all taking it one day at a time and putting everything in God's hands.


Sabrina said...

Thanks for the photo update. It's amazing how much damage water can do. I can only imagine what Galveston must smell like about now. I'm glad your mom and dad can stay in Jenny's apt. I hope they can avoid living in a FEMA trailer. Take care, Leslie, and keep the updates coming.
Love you,

Sabrina said...

Look at me! I learned something new!

Sabrina said...

Are you impressed?

LesAnn said...

I am very impressed! Love you too!

Katie said...

Nice new background! I am trying to figure out how to make a custom header and when I break the code I'll fill you in. :)

Sabrina said...

Would you PLEASE post a picture or two of your mom's 50th birthday? I want to see if she looks older now that she is officially middle aged.

LesAnn said...

I'll see what I can do...I am sure she will be thrilled if I tell her why I am taking the pictures.haha!

About Me

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Well, I am currently in my third year of my first real job. I am a Speech Pathologist for a local school district. I really enjoy my job!! I also got married two years ago to my best friend, Chris. We got married in July 2007 and currently live in Austin. I love to read endlessly and spend time with those that I love.