Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Ode to Cedar

Cedar pollen
Oh how I hate thee.
You make my nose run
and my head ache.
Medicine no longer does the trick!
I wake up in the morning and blow my nose
I blow until I fear I might lose a brain cell or two.

Cedar Pollen
I hope you go away
Otherwise I might have to invest in a tree-
In order to furnish my never-ending tissue use

The end!

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Yay for Nebraska-we have no cedar pollen! But I could write an ode to rag weed in the fall.

About Me

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Well, I am currently in my third year of my first real job. I am a Speech Pathologist for a local school district. I really enjoy my job!! I also got married two years ago to my best friend, Chris. We got married in July 2007 and currently live in Austin. I love to read endlessly and spend time with those that I love.