Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"My career is over"

During a group speech session today, one of my third graders said the funniest thing. He lost a turn or something during a game and he says "My career is over." I replied, "what career would that be?" He says with a straight face "My life career." I thought that was so funny! I replied back "You say some funny things, sometimes." He then proceeded to ask me, "what did I say that was funny?" I think it is so interesting to sit back and look at life from a third-graders perspective. Winning or losing a game with your friends is so important at this age. Sometimes I wish I was able to go back and be a kid again just so I wouldn't have so many life-decisions to worry about. But, on the other side, there are so many wonderful things in my life right now that I would never want to give up in a swap.
While I am on the topic of funny things that kids say, I have another story. So, I was working with a pre-school kiddo who could not keep his hands to himself. I asked him if he could please try to keep his hands still, and he replies with a straight face, "It's not me, its my hands." If only we could get away with that excuse as an adult...hehe!

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About Me

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Well, I am currently in my third year of my first real job. I am a Speech Pathologist for a local school district. I really enjoy my job!! I also got married two years ago to my best friend, Chris. We got married in July 2007 and currently live in Austin. I love to read endlessly and spend time with those that I love.